Sunday, December 30, 2012

Sunday with Mother

 Saturday was a hot 85 degree day, but a cold front moved in overnight and Mom's last day here was a cooler day. After church and lunch, we headed for Laguna Beach. We knew that Mom would be going home to a snowy winter within 24 hours, so it only seemed fitting that we make a trip to the beach before her departure.  
 The day was windy and cooler, but the ocean was relaxing and beautiful.

 Enjoying some of the many sculptures along the walkway.

 We stayed to watch the sunset..
...the perfect ending to a lovely time with Mother. Thanks for the visit, and thanks to my sisters and brother for also making this trip possible!

Saturday with Mother

 Actually, on Friday evening, we took Mom to Downtown Disney. It was already beautifully decorated for Christmas.
 First stop was the Rainforest Cafe where we saw the giant aquarium.
 Mother found a new friend!
 We borrowed a wheelchair for Mom from the church, as we knew that our evening would involve alot of walking. Jim enjoyed resting in the chair also!
 We enjoyed several wonderful music groups, including this band from Equador.
 We listened to our favorite violinist also.
 I know it looked strange for Mom, but our snow-less winters are rather appealing to us!
 On Saturday morning, we drove to Riverside where we toured the historic Mission Inn.
 They decorate every nook and cranny of this building with lights and figurines.
 The entrance to the Inn was guarded by two giant toy soldiers.
 The place looked so festive.

 After shopping a bit at the farmers' market (right next to the Inn), we headed back to our parked car. On the way, we saw a sign advertising a "free Christmas event" and we walked in to this civic center and sat down in some very comfortable chairs to watch this Hawaiian Christmas. It was fun and also a great place to relax! 
The hall was beautifully decorated and a wonderful rest-stop. Our next stop was brief visit with our son M while he was at work, then we headed to visit our oldest son and his family.
 Oldest grandson was thrilled to show us his newest "friend"--Frosty the elf. He was already getting into the holiday spirit and trying very hard to be good so that Frosty would take a good report back to the North Pole and Santa. (The whole idea was great motivation for good behavior!) 
 Since little brother was still taking his nap, J got to spend time with great grandmother all by himself.
 Great Grandma and her first great grandchild.
 And there she was with her first grandchild!
 When little brother woke up, the boys started putting out fires...
 They were a great fire-fighting team and did a great job!
 Their mom needed to spend her time with an elevated leg and her new Viking purple cast.
We were happy that Mother got to spend the afternoon with great grandsons. It was a full day, but so many fun memories were made. 

Wednesday, December 26, 2012

Thanksgiving 2012

 What a joy for us to welcome my mother to our home. She left a snowy Minnesota (16 degrees) to bask in our sunny 80 degree temps! 
 How fun to see her visiting with her first grandchild!
Em immediately made friends.
 We all enjoyed "the feast" (as J called our dinner!)
 Olives were a big hit...
 finger food???
Big cousin, little cousin
 Sam came along for the holiday, and of course he needed a bit of exercise also.
 K injured her foot two weeks earlier, so she spent most of the day with her foot elevated.
 The boys love riding their bikes in our big parking lot.
 Even the big boys got into the act.
 The kids loved playing with these buckets that we had saved in the garage. first they were part of an obstacle course (for riding bikes), and then they became "chairs" for all of us to sit on. Such good imaginations!
 A few moments of star-gazing
...some goofing around
 ...being "tigers and lions"
...performers. The cousins had a blast together! And we all enjoyed the day together with them.
 The next morning, great grandma had a bit of time with the girls.
And of course, they took advantage of the time by reading books together. It was a wonderful Thanksgiving celebration with family.