Sunday, September 22, 2013

Off to the Beach

 On Tuesday afternoon, C had her first visit to the beach.
The day was overcast and slightly cool, compared to the previous days. But we were happy to be there with the little one.
 She took off the minute her little feet touched to sand... many birds to chase many "treasures" to find!
 Only once did she get upset over the sand between her toes.

 Because the day was windy, we saw many people flying kites.

We had a lovely day at the ocean.

Friday, September 20, 2013

Fun at Knott's

On Monday afternoon we joined J&K for a fun afternoon at Knott's Berry Farm.
First Grandpa helped the boys at the coin machine...
...then off to the rides!

There were so few people at the park that we were able to ride each ride several times. We were so proud of J who rode the "big boy" rides by himself. He is growing up so fast!
K's mom, her sister and son also joined us for the afternoon. It was so fun to spend the time together!
The boys decided to take a bit of time and talk to the "train robber" about stealing and honesty. Hopefully he learned something from these wise young men!
We know she won't remember this day, but we certainly will! We had a great Monday!

Thursday, September 19, 2013

Family Times

On Sunday all the cousins were together! It is always so much fun to watch them playing together. And now that they are older, they even share quite well! 

 The girls had to take a small break so that mommy could do their hair (special for church).

 J was thrilled to show his little cousin how this transformer worked.
 And all the nephews and nieces were happy to be with uncle Mark again.
 Little miss loves ice!
 (...and also technology!)
 The day was beautifully warm, and we all enjoyed visiting outside while we watched the boys riding their bikes around the church parking lot.
 We notice that the kids have become quite attached to the cell phones and ipads... have the parents!

The girls love to watch the videos of themselves!

Three little girls!

Wednesday, September 18, 2013

A fun weekend

The weekend started with a group of friends from our church attending the Women of Faith conference here in town. 

 The theme for this year's conference was "Believe God."
 The music was awesome...
And the crowd was enriched by the teaching and challenges from the Word.
Since M&B were here for the weekend, she joined our group.
One of the girls could not attend the sessions on Saturday, so I invited my cousin to join us.
We left a bit early on Saturday afternoon so that we would get home in time to welcome M&C here for the week.
So much fun to have them visit again!