Wednesday, December 26, 2012

Thanksgiving 2012

 What a joy for us to welcome my mother to our home. She left a snowy Minnesota (16 degrees) to bask in our sunny 80 degree temps! 
 How fun to see her visiting with her first grandchild!
Em immediately made friends.
 We all enjoyed "the feast" (as J called our dinner!)
 Olives were a big hit...
 finger food???
Big cousin, little cousin
 Sam came along for the holiday, and of course he needed a bit of exercise also.
 K injured her foot two weeks earlier, so she spent most of the day with her foot elevated.
 The boys love riding their bikes in our big parking lot.
 Even the big boys got into the act.
 The kids loved playing with these buckets that we had saved in the garage. first they were part of an obstacle course (for riding bikes), and then they became "chairs" for all of us to sit on. Such good imaginations!
 A few moments of star-gazing
...some goofing around
 ...being "tigers and lions"
...performers. The cousins had a blast together! And we all enjoyed the day together with them.
 The next morning, great grandma had a bit of time with the girls.
And of course, they took advantage of the time by reading books together. It was a wonderful Thanksgiving celebration with family.


  1. So glad to see you are back!! Fun to see what all has happened to you and your family lately. Glad Mil got to join you for Thanksgiving with time with her great-grandchildren.
    I post on FB because it was hard to do on blogspot. Putting any videos on FB is a real chore and takes forever so am not sure what I will do in the future.
    Looking forward to your family get-together for Christmas pictures. Have a great time just being together. Happy New Year!

  2. welcome back, enjoyed the picture update, love the one of mom reading to the girls!love R
