Monday, April 1, 2013

Cousins weekend

February and March were very busy months for us. We had visitors almost every weekend. (A friend told me that she was going to hang a "vacancy/no vacancy" sign in front of our house!).
We were so excited to share in hosting the "Sunwall girl cousins get-together" this year. Each year they gather together for about 5 days at one of the cousins' home. They have so much fun together, laughing and singing and eating and seeing the sights of the area they are visiting. (They even tried to re-create an old photo that they had found of their own mothers and their cousins. Crazy girls!) This year's event was hosted by Penny. But since Jim's sister is one of the cousins, we were privileged to share time with hosting.
The seven girls represented six families this year. 
Jim and his cousins (and sister!)
A visit to California had to include an afternoon at the beach... we headed to our favorite spot--Laguna Beach.

Unfortunately, the weekend they were visiting was cool and windy, unlike the week prior when we had 85 degree temps!
Just getting away from the snow and winter was enough for these girls!

Dear to the heart of all the girls was their cousin Doreen who passed away last year. 
This was her little sister's tribute. (Doreen always said, "I love everybody!")
Blessed be her memory!
We enjoyed an afternoon snack
...and were joined by this visitor.
We stayed until sunset, then headed back to town.
That evening, we ate at one of our newest favorite haunts.
The food was delicious, the fellowship spectacular!
It was about 50 degrees outside, so we bundled up in coats and scarves under the heat lamps, and ate our meal. 
We had a great slumber party that night...
...and in the morning, at the church service, the cousins blessed us with their beautiful harmony as they sang the song, "10,000 Reasons" 
Pastor Jim prayed for the children before they left for junior church.
We were so happy to have our two boys and their families also join us for the day.

Another cousin and her husband also came to enjoy the Sunday with us.
June "shared" her lovely jewelry with the kids.
This little girl loved it!
But then, so did she!
A very fun and full day, but always time for a story. 

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