Wednesday, June 26, 2013

Enjoying Our Kids

 On Sunday (Father's Day), we actually had some time together with M's whole family. (With their crazy work schedules, it seemed that one or the other of the kids was either sleeping or working, so we were seldom all together.) After a leisurely breakfast, we got ready to go into the city.
 First, a family photo...
 ...then, while mommy and daddy enjoyed a meal together, the grandparents had the joy of taking little miss to the children's museum! She obviously had been there several times, because she knew exactly where she wanted to go! These ducks were a favorite spot, and she was especially partial to that blue duck...
...or maybe just ducks in general???
 So many fun things to play with!
 Even a horse and cart to ride in.
 This was the bedroom for the three bears, with a teddy bear in each bed...which little miss promptly removed and carried someplace else!
 She loves books...
 ...and rocking chairs.
 When the parents returned, she was invited to help feed the fish. It was such a fun day together. 
We concluded our day with the evening service at the kids' church. What a perfect way to close out that Father's Day, and also to honor our Heavenly Father for all the blessings that He brings into our lives.
 The lush green woods was such a refreshing sight for us. We miss the beauty of the forests...
 ...but not the humidity! One afternoon, after a thundershower, we went outside for a walk. We could literally see the "steam" rising up from the warm tarmac where the cool raindrops had fallen. 
 Yep, it was crazy humid!!! (but green!)
 Little girl loves dogs! Every time we saw a dog while out walking, she would make a b-line for it.
This little dog was especially friendly and she even got "up close and personal." Such good memories of our days together!

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