Thursday, June 27, 2013

Time to Say Good-by

Every day we took at least two walks! Little miss loved to be outside. If she felt we weren't paying enough attention to her and she wanted to go out for a walk, she would bring us our tennis shoes and then point to the door! Who needs to use words???
 Every little seed, leaf or stick would capture her attention.
 We would always make enough time to sit and relax a bit...
And maybe tell Grandpa how much she loves him???
 Ok, little one, you totally won our hearts!
It was hard to say good-by, but we were also excited for the next chapter in our kids' lives--new home, new jobs, new city! Congrats, and God's rich blessings as you move forward!
Farewell to a lovely city, and a wonderful place to visit!

1 comment:

  1. Love this post! C is an absolute doll! Can see how she won your hearts! Guess I am glad they are moving so maybe we can see them sometime as closer in miles! Wishing them the best.
